Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why the Title?

Why did I choose the phrase, "Children are Like Cookies," to title my blog? 
I have a sweet tooth. I love cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate and the list goes on. I am not a person that feels these items are, "sometime foods," like the new Cookie Monster does. I love to bake and I make myself give away most of it when I go on a baking spree because otherwise I wouldn't be a very good example for the other "sweets" in my life, my children. I can't get enough of them either. I don't want to correct them way they misspeak and say things like, "pomatoes," meaning tomatoes (I asked my daughter what letter it started with and she very confidently said, "P!".) I love it when they eat chocolate and get it all over their faces. Others want their children to be neat and clean, but I enjoy their chocolate smiles. So there you have it...children are like cookies...I can't get enough!

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