Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dessert Poem

I need not be told it isn't right
To give them dessert every night,
They tell me dessert is for special occasions,
instead I should give them a box of raisins.
While this may be true,
it's not up to you.
For I like to bake
cookies, brownies and cake.
It is a way I show my love
It's been passed down from above.
Grandmas, aunts, my mother too
all give our kids a dessert or two.
My kids get so happy when you add a few sprinkles
Their little brown eyes start to twinkle.
They enjoy it so much it gets all over their fingers,
their faces, their dresses and some of it lingers
On chairs, on the table or even the cat,
She'll be licking her fur to get rid of the mat.
Oh the messes they say, children should be kept clean,
neat and tidy and orderly, I think is mean.
Let them enjoy it, let them say yum, yum
For childhood is to precious to worry about crumbs.

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