Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dinnertime Poem

Dinnertime at our house is something to be seen.
Children eat their vegetables, especially the green.
They don't eat all their food everyday,
But when they do I hear them say,
"Can we eat this the next day?"
It makes my heart happy when they agree
To eat their cauliflower or their peas.
When they ask for more potatoes, or milk for their cup,
I answer swiftly with a yup.
These days are not often, but when they come along,
I want to grin and sing a song.
For there are many a meal that sit on their plate.
I put them in the fridge for when it gets late.
For I know that later when their little tummies rumble
I will hear their little mouths grumble:
I am hungry, can I have dessert?
And I know their feelings get hurt
When I say they must eat their dinner first.

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