Items needed: 16x20 artist canvas, fabric, chicken wire, staple gun w/staples, ribbon. |
I got this idea from:
I changed mine from wood to canvas so it would be lighter, the 16x20 size also made it so that I only had to cut one side of the chicken wire. Mine is attached to a hook that goes over the door and hangs down almost to the door handle, so my girls can reach it.
Step 1: Cover canvas in fabric and staple on the back (make sure it is pulled tight).
Step 2: Cut chicken wire so it hangs over about 1 1/2" on each side (use a wire cutter).
Step 3: Bend chicken wire around edges of canvas so that it it lines up straight on all sides.
Step 4: Staple chicken wire to the back.
Step 5: Staple ribbon to the back, so you can hang your board.